We are so close to the day we have long been awaiting... move-in day!
We are so close to the day we have long been awaiting... move-in day!
We've got tile! Each step in this project is getting us more and more excited about moving back into our old office space.
We have made some serious progress at our old office space! Though there is a lot of work to be done between now and completion, all that is left are cosmetics.
Today marks a very exciting day for us at Wesley Stout Associates, for 2017 will be our 25th year in business.
Though change can be hard (in our case having to evacuate and move from our office after the fire and into a temporary space) we are still glass half full here at WSA.
Guess what is new in our office?! We don’t have one! Not exactly, but to begin by filling you in, we had a fire in the office.
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